OAuth is what lets you log in to a service with an existing Google or Facebook account.

Webapp.io customers often need to set a redirect target from their “test app” on an external service to allow logging in to their own accounts.

For this use case, we’ve created the layer-oauth-target.cidemo.co endpoint, and the flow looks like this:

  1. User visits abcd.cidemo.co
  2. User clicks “log in with Google”
  3. User is redirected to a Google login page for a test application
  4. The “redirect URI” for that login page is “layer-oauth-target.cidemo.co”, so the user is sent to layer-oauth-target.cidemo.co/oauth/login?code=hello
  5. layer-oauth-target.cidemo.co reads a cookie to see which cidemo site the user was last on, so the user is redirected back to abcd.cidemo.co/oauth/login?code=hello
  6. The application can now read the code and log the user in as usual.

Combining with white-labeled sites (routing)

The same can be done for layer-oauth-target.demo.example.com, in the case where a route with $branch.demo.example.com exists.