The SKIP REMAINING IF instruction will cause remaining instructions in the Layerfile to be skipped if the condition is evaluated to true.

Multiple SKIP REMAINING IF instructions may be declared in one Layerfile.

Conditions may use any variable from BUILD ENV.

Conditions may use AND to group statements using logical AND.

Conditions may use != to evaluate statements are not true.


  • Use SKIP REMAINING IF GIT_BRANCH!=master to skip execution on any branch that is not master.
  • Use SKIP REMAINING IF GIT_BRANCH!=master AND REPOSITORY_NAME !=~ "web" would skip remaining actions if the branch is not master, and the repository name is not “web”
  • Use SKIP REMAINING IF GIT_COMMIT_TITLE =~ "\[skip tests\]" would skip remaining actions if the commit title contained “[skip tests]”
  • Use SKIP REMAINING IF GIT_BRANCH!=~^(master|dev)$ would skip remaining actions if the branch is anything besides master or dev